
Following our educational events, Narrate Conferences may publish proceedings of conferences as compendia. We invite presenters to submit the papers they read, as well as question lists from roundtable discussions, reports from panels, and materials from workshops for publication. While not all presenters of a conference will participate, each conference's compendium provides a sample of the programming offered.

Compendia are published 8–12 months after the corresponding events. Because we do not have the ability to keep stock on hand, we use a print-on-demand service to create copies of each compendium as requested. (Ordering through is generally the fastest way to get a copy, especially outside the United States; Narrate Conferences does not accept orders directly and does not sell copies or take orders at conferences.)

All currently available compendia are listed below. To receive information on future compendia, please sign up for the Narrate Conferences newsletter.


The most recent Sirens compendium, titled Sirens: Collected Papers 2009–2011, is now available. During these years of Sirens, attendees focused on women warriors, fairies, and monsters.

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The table of contents can be downloaded below or viewed here.

Sirens: Collected Papers 2009–2011
Table of Contents

Sirens: Collected Papers 2009#–2011 Compendium Table of Contents

The Terminus compendium, titled Terminus: Collected Papers on Harry Potter, 7–11 August 2008, is now available. Terminus, Narrate Conferences' second event, examined the complete Harry Potter series.

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The table of contents can be downloaded below or viewed here.

Terminus Compendium
Table of Contents

Terminus Compendium Table of Contents

The Phoenix Rising compendium, titled Phoenix Rising: Collected Papers on Harry Potter, 17–21 May 2007, is now available. Phoenix Rising, Narrate Conferences' inaugural event, examined the Harry Potter series.

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The table of contents can be downloaded below or viewed here.

Phoenix Rising Compendium
Table of Contents

Phoenix Rising Compendium Table of Contents

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